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September 21, 2004

Ah, the irony...

Microsoft's AutoUpdate informed me that there was an update available, but little else.
AutoUpdate screenshot
By clicking the "Learn More..." button, I was brought to a page telling me the fix was for AutoUpdate and its broken progress bar.

Microsoft never ceases to amaze!

On the AcidSearch front:
I have a new version in the works, don't worry... and here's a little preview:
context menu screenshot

Posted by pozytron at 12:59 AM | Comments (137) | TrackBack

September 06, 2004


I have set up a real CMS to back my newsfeed. Hopefully I'll update it a little more often now.

Some people have been pointing out a "World Leaks" error in AcidSearch 0.2-0.22. I fixed it for 0.23, but now there's not the cute little integrated sheet documentation. Apparently, if there are still existing WebView objects when all the browser windows are closed, Safari's World Leaks check will detect a leak. Also, the first file I posted as 0.23 had a faulty installer—it should be fixed now.

Posted by pozytron at 10:51 PM | TrackBack

September 02, 2004

She made me do it. Honestly.

I'm chillin' here with my friend Lacey. She's awesome.
Anyway, I just noticed that AcidSearch was selected as the "Pick of the Week" on macosxhints, which is awesome as well. And thanks to all of those who have donated!

Posted by pozytron at 10:30 PM | Comments (140) | TrackBack