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October 27, 2004

PlaintextPaste 0.13

Yes, I finally got around to updating PlaintextPaste. However, I still haven't implemented a fix for pre-10.3 systems, and at this point, I recommend strongly that you DO NOT install PTP on a Jaguar system. It won't do a whole lot if you do, but restarting your computer after install will cause it to crash. If you already have installed it on your computer but haven't restarted, simply delete the folder /Library/InputManagers/SIMBL and your system will be fine. If you have restarted, and it crashes early in startup, your only recourse is to either shell into your computer through the network (if you don't know what I mean, don't bother) or boot from another disk and then delete SIMBL.

I sincerely apologize for any damage this caused for anyone who installed it.

Here are the release notes for 0.13:

Posted by pozytron at October 27, 2004 04:12 AM

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So, I installed plaintext paste for the general purpose of doing plain text pastes into terminal windows. Unfortunately, when I open up Terminal.app and go to the edit menu, Paste Plain Text is greyed out. It is available in safari and other apps, no problem..

Installed SIMBL plugins: acidsearch, plaintextpaste, terminalcolors, pithhelmet

any ideas?

thanks in advance

Posted by: gleam at November 1, 2004 09:58 PM

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