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November 03, 2004


This one is an interesting variation on PlaintextPaste that instead adds a "Copy Plain Text" item (with the shortcut cmd-shift-v). I have actually had this one for a while now but decided someone else may have a use for it, so it's up. Let me know if you find a use for this (or, conversely, if you find a bug). I love getting feedback, and I try to respond to it within a day or two—please keep that in mind if you are too scared (or something)!

Posted by pozytron at November 3, 2004 04:56 AM

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So, I realized that plaintextpaste/plaintextcopy in their current form do me no good for my purposes, since what I really need is the ability to have unicode or and high-ascii characters converted into 7-bit ascii.

E.g. turn "smartquotes" into normal double quotes.

Any suggestions?

Posted by: gleam at November 3, 2004 08:58 PM

Well, BBEdit can do this with its "Zap Gremlins" command. I know that's not exactly the solution you were looking for, but I don't have any better solution at this point in time. I'll consider making a plugin that does what you want though. I don't want to promise anything though. :-)

Posted by: Robin Hamilton-Pennell at November 6, 2004 04:43 AM