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April 27, 2005

Site Updates

Hello everyone... just thought I'd give a general update as to what's going on over here. Apparently AcidSearch 0.4+ works fine on Tiger, but I still haven't received my copy so I haven't been able to test it myself. It is quite possible that certain features will be buggy or not work. If anyone encounters problems or issues while using AcidSearch on Tiger, please do not hesitate to send them to me!

I will release a new version of AcidSearch fairly soon (though it may be a few weeks, because I still have finals). I will try to make sure that AcidSearch's localizations are properly updated this time. Coming soon is a Turkish localization and a repaired Italian localization. I will also try to (finally) fix SnapBack and add a version-checking system which automatically updates AcidSearch (with your consent, of course) when new versions become available. It will also automatically disable AcidSearch in untested versions of Safari automatically (to prevent the problem 1.3 caused for many users).

The updates to iTunesMouseRemote (a nice big update) and PlaintextPaste/SparkPlug are on their way too, though I probably won't get them out before the end of the month.

Also, just thought I'd mention that the rest of the site is being updated a little at a time. For instance, I have updated the donations page with a small note thanking all of you who have donated from the beginning. Check back here for other site updates. In addition, AcidSearch has now been downloaded over 50,000 times, a fairly big jump in just a short amount of time! Thanks to all my faithful users for your support.

Posted by pozytron at 04:32 PM | Comments (4400) | TrackBack

April 18, 2005

AcidSearch 0.4 Bug and Non-bug

Hello to everyone. I'm very happy to have received the great amount of support for 0.4 that I did!

There is a bug in 0.4 which will be addressed very soon. When you attempt to drag a channel around, it turns it into a folder. Ridiculous, I know. The French localization is also incomplete and will be fixed in the same update.

I also have received a few reports that AcidSearch 0.4 actually works with Tiger! This is impressive, considering I've never even used Tiger yet. I'm not sure if it works for everyone, so anyone who has access to Tiger is recommended to try it out!

Update: AcidSearch 0.41 is now out with the aforementioned fixes. The only new "feature" is the ability to option-drag search channels to duplicate them.

Posted by pozytron at 09:56 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack

April 16, 2005

Absolutely incredible...

I was away from my computer for a bit and missed the launch of 10.3.9 with Safari 1.3. As predicted, it broke. Thanks to all of you who have reported the problem. I will try to put out a fix as soon as I can. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of time on the internet (I'm visiting my parents right now), so if it is a few more days yet I apologize in advance. I will release the update as English only for the time being to get it out faster (but, of course, I will contact my faithful and wonderful localizers to request updates as well).

I'd also like to say I am amazed at all of the donations I received! I've never felt such great support from my users before! My PayPal account has $165.31 in it now, so clearly I have enough to purchase Tiger. I will also buy some more RAM for my laptop, which I have been meaning to do for some time now. I am very grateful for all your support!

I will be sending personal emails to thank every one of you who donated, so don't think I am not very happy for your support, it's just taking me time to get through them all. You guys are incredible. Thank you.

UPDATE: I have posted a "crutch" fix on my site, but it is just that—a crutch. The feature that seemed to be conflicting with Safari 1.3 is the key equivalents. Thus, they are temporarily disabled until I can figure it out. Hopefully I will have a fix soon!

UPDATE 2: The full version of AcidSearch 0.4 (with the support for key equivalents back in) has been posted. I would have liked to have fixed a few other bugs, but you gotta do what you gotta do. On that note, be sure to let me know if you encounter any problems.

Posted by pozytron at 08:57 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

April 12, 2005

Tiger, 10.3.9, and new Safaris, oh my...

Tiger will be available very soon, and new versions of Safari are going to be available for both it and the upcoming 10.3.9. Both of these versions will break AcidSearch. I will try to order a copy of Tiger when I can, but I am a poor starving student at this point and honestly cannot afford it, even at the student discount. Bottom line, as soon as I get a copy of either 10.4 or 10.3.9, I will do my best to fix AcidSearch with it.

Not that I'm begging or anything, but if you like AcidSearch enough that you want it for Tiger, you may consider donating to help the cause. I personally guarantee that all funds received will be used toward OS 10.4, not movies or beer, and I will post an update here to show the contents of my Tiger fund.

I need $70 to get Tiger with the academic discount. My PayPal account currently contains:

Posted by pozytron at 01:53 PM | Comments (13) | TrackBack

April 10, 2005


AcidSearch has reached 40000 total downloads. Thanks to all who have supported my software through its many versions, and I swear that updates are on the way. I still have a great deal of schoolwork to take care of, but I will try to still release new versions of all three of my products by the end of the month, as I stated before.

Posted by pozytron at 01:00 PM | Comments (6) | TrackBack

April 04, 2005

Sheesh, what have I been doing?

Yes, I haven't updated the site in quite a while. Or any of my programs, for that matter.

Suffice it to say, Calculus II has been kicking my ass lately. I thought I had Calc. 1 down pat, but Integrals are another matter entirely. Solving a derivative is a lot like an algebra problem. You have rules, and you follow them. Solving an integral is a bit like solving a logic problem in a puzzle magazine. You have guidelines, and it's not always possible to solve the problems.

And I thought I was good at math.

However, in the small amount of spare time I have, I have been working slowly but surely on updates. I will try to have updated versions of my three apps by the end of the month, but I make no guarantees. Look for an update to iTunesMouseRemote in the coming days.

I also have been working on another unannounced software product. I won't tell you what it's called or what it does because I like to be annoying like that. Its codename is "Salamander." Have fun with that.

Posted by pozytron at 05:26 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack