« Tiger, 10.3.9, and new Safaris, oh my... | Main | AcidSearch 0.4 Bug and Non-bug »
April 16, 2005
Absolutely incredible...
I was away from my computer for a bit and missed the launch of 10.3.9 with Safari 1.3. As predicted, it broke. Thanks to all of you who have reported the problem. I will try to put out a fix as soon as I can. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of time on the internet (I'm visiting my parents right now), so if it is a few more days yet I apologize in advance. I will release the update as English only for the time being to get it out faster (but, of course, I will contact my faithful and wonderful localizers to request updates as well).
I'd also like to say I am amazed at all of the donations I received! I've never felt such great support from my users before! My PayPal account has $165.31 in it now, so clearly I have enough to purchase Tiger. I will also buy some more RAM for my laptop, which I have been meaning to do for some time now. I am very grateful for all your support!
I will be sending personal emails to thank every one of you who donated, so don't think I am not very happy for your support, it's just taking me time to get through them all. You guys are incredible. Thank you.
UPDATE: I have posted a "crutch" fix on my site, but it is just that—a crutch. The feature that seemed to be conflicting with Safari 1.3 is the key equivalents. Thus, they are temporarily disabled until I can figure it out. Hopefully I will have a fix soon!
UPDATE 2: The full version of AcidSearch 0.4 (with the support for key equivalents back in) has been posted. I would have liked to have fixed a few other bugs, but you gotta do what you gotta do. On that note, be sure to let me know if you encounter any problems.
Posted by pozytron at April 16, 2005 08:57 PM
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There is a bug in version 0.4. When you move a search engine it becomes a folder instead of a channel.
Keep it up :)
And have fun with tiger ;)
Posted by: lowfi at April 18, 2005 09:28 AM