
« AcidSearch 0.6 | Main | AcidSearch 0.61 »

September 29, 2005

More Updates...

Posted by pozytron at September 29, 2005 11:59 AM


Any hints into the upcoming .7 release?

Posted by: Andrew at October 1, 2005 08:41 AM


Great addition to Safari!! Thanks for the innovative software.

Is there any chance of adding Dogpile to the web search engines? It's a nice engine and very inclusive. Just a thought.

Thanks again,


Posted by: Kevin Hubbard at October 1, 2005 09:10 AM

A feature I would like to see is to unbundle the contextual menu (all channels as part of the default menu, with no acid-search submenu). This would speed up using quicksearches. Other than that, a very nice little proggy.


Posted by: b at October 3, 2005 05:41 PM


You have the very power with AcidSearch to add your own search engines!
Tip: Go to the site you want to add as an engine then do a search with whatever you want, after it gives the results go into the AcidSearch "Edit Channels" there is button labeled "New Channel" it'll add the page with proper search string and all. You might just want to rename its' title.

Hope that help :) Thanks again for a great addition... hope my donation helped somewhat.

Posted by: TJ at October 8, 2005 01:54 AM

Andrew: No hints. Unfortunately, I have had more work than anticipated, so both versions will have to be delayed a bit.

Kevin: TJ outlined the process pretty well. You can also control-click/right-click on the search field itself (the text field on the actual web page, not the one in the top-right of the window) and select "New Search Channel". Also, I will add Dogpile to the default engines, but this won't make a difference for anybody but new users (or if you click Import Channels and select AcidSearch).

b: Sure, I'll add that to the next version of the installer.

TJ: Thanks again :)

Posted by: Robin Hamilton-Pennell at October 9, 2005 11:45 PM

Thanks for creating this; look forward to using it with my favorite search site, Clusty! You're probably aware of this, but I wanted to mention that AcidSearch currently installs an older version of SIMBL which won't work with some software.

Posted by: jamzim at October 20, 2005 12:21 PM

Will this address the leaks issue? If one's enabled the debug menu for Safari, you get:

"The following world leaks were detected (the check is done when all browser windows are closed):

1 WebView object, 1 WebFrame object, 1 WebDataSource object, 1 WebHTMLRepresentation object, 1 WebBridge object, 1 JavaScript interpreter.

Please write a bug report about this, along with reproducible steps if possible."

I've isolated this to AcidSearch, and it reliable and reproducible with a "factory" issue of Safari with default plug-ins.

Otherwise, thanks very much for your hard work in putting this together. It's quite helpful and very much appreciated.

Posted by: Noah Abrahamson at October 22, 2005 11:17 AM

jamzim- Thanks for the tip. I wasn't aware of that, and I'll update SIMBL in the next release.

Noah- That's not really a bug per se. That issue used to appear way back when, and I figured out that the only reason it appears is because I was using WebKit outside of the Safari window. This isn't actually a memory leak.

The reason why this issue just appeared in 0.6 is the repository. The repository uses WebKit (for the descriptions of the channels), and thus it creates a "world leak" when all browser windows are closed and there's still one more WebView. Hope that makes sense. I'm not sure if I can solve the problem or not, but personally I just leave that menu item unchecked. It's not a serious issue.


Posted by: Robin Hamilton-Pennell at October 22, 2005 02:19 PM

I hate to be a downer here but the instructions for this app are ridiculous. Here's my "tips and tricks" suggestion: instructions formatted simply and straightforwardly as follows: Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, etc. for whatever it is you're trying to accomplish. Nothing to interpret or misinterpret. The premise of this app is great. The reality, at least for me, is not. I open it and attempt to customize channels and can't. I look for the "import" button per instructions and it's nowhere to be found. I see the additional channel options in an unidentified pullout drawer and can't drag and drop them into the channel list and can't find instructions I understand about how to get them there. The only thing I could sort out was how to uninstall - which I have.

Posted by: derek2disk at October 28, 2005 08:02 AM


Perhaps you should have contacted me first. I don't always have time to update the documentation on the site, and it is somewhat out of date. I plan to fully rewrite it eventually, but frankly, it's a lot of work for a program which not only is completely free, but has free support (in this I mean that you're free to contact me by email). I try to respond to all emails.


Posted by: Robin Hamilton-Pennell at October 29, 2005 10:50 PM

With the 10.4.3 software update, Acid Search is disabled upon launch of Safari 2.0.2.
Is there any reason to think this could actually cause problems (or should I just try it and see)?


Posted by: Joel Schäfer at October 31, 2005 04:20 PM